
Recommend new clients to Scatterwork and earn

For Business Partners

As a company or individual with excellent sales contacts in Food/ Pharma, Financial Services and Construction sectors, you can earn significant income by selling Scattework services.

Scan the QR code for Business Partner application

The fee level depends on a number of factors including whether the Business Partner identifies the lead, closes the sale and supports the delivery or has a more passive role, where Scatterwork invests the effort and risk. You earn the hightest fees for sales for which Scatterwork must simply implement. Introductions which must be turned into sales by Scatterwork attract more modest fees.

To get further information and initiate the sign-up process, please call us for a personal briefing.

For Professionals

What’s in it for you and for them?

Because Scatterwork partners with clients to reduce project costs, delivery time and risks, both you and the person introduced by you benefit from your referral:

  • New clients get a 10% discount on their first booking only.
  • You gain credibility with your clients, professional contacts, manager or employer etc. You also get a personal €50 gift voucher as a sign of appreciation for your introduction.

How do I earn my cash bonus?

  • Sign up for the Scatterwork Newsletter and you will be sent a Personal Referral Code with the confirmation of sign up.
  • Share your Personal Referral Code and the link to Scatterwork with your colleagues and contacts by email, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, other social media and professional networks, websites etc. Ask them to quote your code when placing their booking with Scatterwork.

When they place their first order, they can claim their introductory discount and you will get a €50 gift voucher, provided that these conditions are met:

  • The referral code was issued in response to a bona fide sign-up
  • “First Booking” means that a completely new business relationship has been established with Scatterwork. Subsequent bookings from the same or related clients do not attract discount. The decision of Scatterwork is final.
  • Use your personal Referral Code as much as you like for different new clients. It remains valid for 12 months.

What services can I recommend to earn my bonus?

  • For an early payback, propose one of these public events:
  • For other formats, see these company-specific Delivery Modes.