Scatterwork saved six months for Homebid

Scatterwork: Hello John, what were you working on when you contacted Scatterwork? Could you tell us a bit more about the organization?

John: I’m founder of Homebid, which is an online bidding platform and I was participating in the New Frontiers. It’s a course in Ireland for entrepreneurs for startup, helping with startup ideas.

Scatterwork: Can you tell us a little bit about the prize that you won?

John: yeah, we were very lucky that we got “best business idea” award and there’s prizes given on the course and we got “best business ideas”, so we’re very proud of that

Scatterwork: What type of involvement did Scatterwork have and what were the benefits for you?

John: As entrepreneurs we had our product, we had our minimum viable product and then we were assigned a mentor from Scatterwork. What that did was prioritize, put everything in order and we had a start line and a finish line. Basically Scatterwork has identified all the obstacles in between and trained us to use various tactics to get us right through to the very end in a fashion which was fast and seamless.

Scatterwork: What would you apply from this experience going forward?

John: I have multiple other businesses as well and what I’ve done is everything that I’ve learned from Scatterwork we’ve put processes and procedures in place. Basically what it has done: in one month now I can do something that earlier could have taken me up to six months. So structures, practices procedures is what I really, really have got from Scatterwork and it’s just invaluable.

Scatterwork: So thank you for your time, John

John: Thank you.

Scatterwork – the Effective Project & Process Consultancy

As your partner of choice, Scatterwork is a catalyst enabling individuals and organisations to achieve excellence through creative project & process solutions in challenging environments.

Helping clients with #projectdelivery on time and with reduced costs and risks is where Scatterwork excels. We leverage from our customer experience in over 40 countries, bringing it to you, the client, in whatever format (consultancy, mentoring, training etc) suits you.

To learn more about how we can help, please call the author Dr Ó Conchúir on 41 79 692 4735 or email him at