Scatterwork at the Project Society Conference, Belgrade

Boltić: Hi Milan, thank you so much for doing this interview with us.

First of all I would like to ask you if you could describe what was your experience with Scatterwork in the first place?

Šmigić: Thank you, Zorana, for inviting me. It was 2014 here in Belgrade
where we organized the first Project Society Conference and with
participating speakers from different European countries including Scatterwork.

We had an opportunity to further promote the project management profession and also the PMI, the main organization that we all belong to.
Also the interesting topic for our participants was a panel discussion
where Scatterwork was one of the major presenters: how to apply project management in government sector where we actually had our discussions and received a strong feedback by the participating members of our organization.

Boltić: So could you share some impressions about that panel discussion and how Scatterwork contributed to the society?

Šmigić: As it was our first international conference we had a strong positive feedback for more than 140 participants and we actually received additional members and we received very strong background from the Scatterwork experienced professionals, showing us

  • how to work in remote teams,
  • how to participate in government projects
  • how to relate to companies, both in public and global sector as project management and portfolio management professionals.

Boltić: So at the end, are there any takeaways that you would like to share from that particular panel?

Šmigić: Our idea was to invite Scatterwork to help us further promote our profession and we actually achieved our new members and we increased the number of participants within our conferences by sharing the knowledge and experience provided by Scatterwork.

Boltić: Thank you so much Milan for sharing this with us.

Guest: Milan Šmigić, CEO CPM Belgrade and Visiting Professor, Politecnico di Torino

Interviewed by: Dr Zorana Boltić, Aim Professional, Project Management an