Welcome to our blog—our way of sharing ideas and insights!
These days, there’s so much information and so many opinions flying around that it’s hard to stay focused. This goes for both our Scatterwork team and those who value our skills and ideas. That’s where our blog comes in—it’s the starting point of our Knowledge Management process. Let’s break it down step by step.
Step 1: the Blog
Our blog is the place where any and all ideas related to our work are shared. It’s a platform for brainstorming, feedback, and collaboration. Sometimes the posts are well thought-out; other times, they’re more like rough sketches of ideas that need more work.
We love hearing from everyone—clients, associates, and our team. If you have thoughts or contributions about Scatterwork’s expertise in Project & Program Management, we want to hear them!
When an idea really resonates, we take it to the next level: a webinar.
Step 2: the Webinar
Webinars are where we share an idea or direction with our community and open it up for discussion. They’re usually 45 minutes long and free for anyone who registers.
Here’s how it works: The presenter shares their idea while participants join the conversation through chat. A moderator keeps things flowing, reading out comments and encouraging discussion.
Webinars are structured to spark feedback, and when an idea generates a lot of interest, it’s a sign that it’s ready to evolve into something bigger—like a workshop.

Step 3: the Workshop
Workshops take things a step further. They’re all about diving deeper into an idea and turning it into actionable solutions for the participants.
At Scatterwork, we tailor workshops to focus on the client’s business. It’s easier to apply new ideas to real-world situations than to abstract case studies. This means the insights gained can be put into action right away.
How long is a workshop? That depends! Exploring a topic in depth and figuring out how to apply it takes time, so it can range from a few hours to longer sessions. If everyone in the workshop is from the same company, it’s even better—discussions can be more open, leading to even stronger results.
Step 4: the Program
When workshops produce a lot of actionable ideas, the next step is to share those insights across the organization. This could be a short online session or a multi-day event—whatever works best for the team’s size, location, and needs.
When a workshop results in a free flow of actionable insights, it makes sense to share them around the organisation.
The goal is to get these ideas into the hands of as many people as possible so they can start making a difference.
Your Turn!
When a workshop results in a free flow of actionable insights, it makes sense to share them around the organisation. Depending on the number of people involved, the geography and the language mix this can be anything from a 2 hour event shared via video conferencing upwards. This can run to several days either on or offline to get the ideas to as many employees as possible.
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